31 December 2007

Happy New Year!

Since I last posted, I have been off work for two weeks of training and traveling home to visit my family for the Holidays. S and I had a wonderful Christmas visiting with the family, eating deliciously unhealthy food, and exchanging gifts. I gave S an itouch and she gave me a package of personal training sessions. So, she's trying to kill me :)

In cocktail news, the sidecar has continued to befuddle me. I have tried a number of recipes and used top notch ingredients but they all turn out decidedly harsh. I'll have to do more research. Tough job, but someone has to do it!

One of my Christmas gifts was the new book, Imbibe! by David Wondrich. It looks great so far and is very interesting but I have yet to finish. A review will be forthcoming and I look forward to trying the many tempting recipes.

The Washington Post has been running a cocktail column and recently published a recipe that looks very interesting. It is called the Italian Greyhound and I have to give this one a try in honor of my favorite little furry Manhattanite!

Tonight's cocktail will of course be a bottle of our favorite champagne, Nicolas Feuilatte. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Melissa C Morris said...

Excellent cocktail! ...and today (1 Jan) is Monty's birthday, so it's very apropos.

I've also found the sidecar to be too much usually. I'm still loving your whiskey sour recipe, and hope you'll stumble across a good sidecar recipe to share with us.

Happy happy and merry merry to you and S.!